Easy way to counter attack a pickleball speed up

Easy way to counter attack a pickleball speed up

If you play pickleball, you know the worst thing ever is when you can’t stop your opponents speed up.

Every time they drive the ball at you, they win the point or you pop the ball up into the air…

Do you find yourself getting all jammed up and not sure how to defend a pickleball speed up?

Introducing the pickleball slide…

Higher level players and attackers will target your body or paddle side hip. This is the easiest way for them to jam you up.

So how do we stop this from happening?

  1. When your opponent is getting ready to attack you, slide your body to the right (for right handed players) or to the left (for left handed players). This will allow you to utilize your backhand.
  2. Learn to love your backhand. When counterattacking or in a hands battle at the kitchen, using your backhand will infinitely improve your game.

When I first started playing pickleball, I only used my forehand. I also hated playing up at the kitchen… probably because I didn’t use my backhand.

When I learned to use my backhand at the kitchen line, I started to love hands battles, counterattacking, and being up at the kitchen line.

Related: Want to dominate the pickleball kitchen? 3 easy tips

Check out the video below for a full video explanation!

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